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swap dynastycoin world news

Swap Dynastycoin Updates

with this post we want to inform you of the work in progress of the project and the swap. We apologize if we can't...
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Dinastycoin finanzia i progetti autodeterminati

Dinastycoin finances self-determined projects

Dinastycoin becomes a Self-determined cryptocurrency. A communion of intents and objectives converging towards the...
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swap dynastycoin world news

Dynastycoin Swap to new Blockchain

We decided not to do a hardfork but directly a SWAP. We have been working since July 2019 continuously. If not...
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Nuovo Sito Dinasty of Freedom

New Dynasty of Freedom Website

The new version of the website has been launched. If you don't know the Project, the idea that led to...
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Dinastycoin Recode Base Monero
swap dynastycoin

Dynastycoin Recode Base Monero

A new important HardFork will be done by the end of 2019 Currently Dinastycoin with V.4 blocks after the September hardfork is going without major problems,...
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Anticipazioni e Novità per fine anno e il 2019
world news

Previews and News for the end of the year and 2019

First of all, we apologize to the international and national community for the delays that have also occurred for the...
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Nuova versione DinastyCoin disponibile 2.1.2i (formalmente è 2.1.5)

New DinastyCoin version available 2.1.2i (formally it is 2.1.5)

New DinastyCoin version 2.1.2i available (formally it is 2.1.5) We are pleased to inform you that version 2.1.2i is available on github...
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dinastycoin nuovo algoritmo Lwma4

dynastycoin new algorithm Lwma4

It was tough but we started again.. it was necessary to implement a new advanced algorithm LMWA v.4 and update the format of the Blocks...
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Clan Synapse Gaming di Clash Royale incontra DCY

Clash Royale Clan Synapse Gaming meets DCY

On May 7th 2018 the season of Clan Synapse Gaming ended, one of the main Italian clans of CLASH ROYALE, a...
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Nuova versione Dinastycoin 2.1.3 in beta testnet

New Dynastycoin 2.1.3 version in beta testnet

Following the problems encountered since the new cryptonight ASICs entered circulation and connected to our blockchain ...
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