Learn about cryptocurrencies

What is a Cryptocurrency?
Dinastycoin is the first ethical Italian cryptocurrency, created to revolutionize the economic system through a network of ethical cashback and vouchers. Find out how to use it in the Italian and European circuit. The production of cryptocurrency occurs according to algorithms chosen and declared at the birth of the cryptocurrency and transactions are normally recorded on computers scattered around the world via blockchain technology: this makes it safe and public as it cannot be controlled by a centralized entity.

Who can use them?
Cryptocurrencies can be used by anyone without limits. In fact, a minimal skill with the use of a computer allows you to buy cryptocurrencies, using euros or dollars, and to exchange them both between private individuals and between companies, being able to count on fast, secure and confidential transactions. There are an increasing number of realities that accept cryptocurrencies for the payment of goods and services, from small producers to large international companies.

What distinguishes them from fiat?
FIAT currencies are those used by states, such as the euro or the dollar, which have the ugly characteristic of belonging to private central banks; they use them for monetary policies aimed at achieving their interests and not those of the community. Cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, aim to return the currency and its management to people so that they have unlimited and exclusive use of it to organize their own economy.

Monetary sovereignty
When we speak of monetary sovereignty we mean the possibility of a given community to hold and manage its own currency. The flow of money to the economy is like blood to the human body. In our body the blood propagates life and guarantees cohesion between the internal organs; when necessary we produce them again without having to ask anyone's permission. Similarly, the economy uses money to spread wealth and create social cohesion; the community that uses it must own and administer it in order to achieve its humanitarian goals.

Why is a cryptocurrency born?
A cryptocurrency is a huge financial opportunity; whoever issues it, in fact, does so at low cost and, if the same wins the trust of the market by increasing its price, the amount of money still in the issuer's possession will be worth a lot of money. This, however, is not the only motivation that can lead to an enterprise of this type: a crypto can be born to support an ambitious project involving a large community or to pursue the path of monetary autonomy. The overall evaluation of a crypto, in addition to the technical aspects, should also consider the underlying project so that the speculative purchase is safer and socially useful.

The future is crypto, and it's already here!
An increasing number of people choose cryptocurrencies both to deposit their savings and to conclude fast and secure transactions in seconds. Institutional realities and large multinationals are also entering this sector, guaranteeing ever greater volumes and an increase in perception by the general public. There are evolutions that cannot be stopped, digital currency is one of them.
Discover Dynastycoin

What is Dynastycoin
Dinastycoin (DCY) was born from the deep desire and firm determination to give back to society an instrument of freedom that was unduly stolen from it: the currency. It is a cryptocurrency developed since 2015 in support of the Dynasty of Freedom community to which anyone can join for free. It is open and international by nature.

Dynastycoin Club project
The DInastycoin Club community is an ecosystem that wants to create a new ethical solidarity and deflationable distributed economy. A trust body has been created whose beneficiaries are all users of the dinastycoin.club platform. From the beginning, a currency reserve fund was created to be allocated to solidarity initiatives to improve the well-being of human beings who use this currency. To find out more, visit the dedicated website https://entedinastycoinclub.org

A coin to spend
Dinastycoin is an exchange tool for the community which, by using it, gives it greater value and credibility. This is why a real e-commerce was created where you buy and sell only in Dinastycoin. Individuals and companies with quality services and products can meet selected and sensitive customers looking for what large-scale distribution has mortified and destroyed.

DCY features are based on tested cryptographic schemes:
- cryptonone.org
- bytecoin.org
- monero.org
Dynastycoin was initially based on the CryptoNote protocol; CryptoNote whitepaper is an important reference source to validate the proclaimed unlimpability and traceability qualities of the Dynastycoin.
PoW algorithm Random-x.
Max supply around 2 billion coins.
Reward decrements slightly with each block.
Time 120 seconds.
Difficulty retargeted at each block.

Community currency
Companies choose Dinastycoin for the speed and security of transactions which are confidential and therefore protected from the harassment of the current economic system.
People choose Dinastycoin because it is concrete and used daily thanks to e-commerce, the webapp and the constantly growing community: you know where and how to spend it. Projects with a high social impact choose Dinastycoin because they find the necessary economic resources and the fabric in which to involve their associates and supporters.

Where can I buy Dynastycoin?
The DCY can be purchased on special sites called Exchanges which are, in fact, currency exchange shops.
Currently DCY can only be purchased with other cryptocurrencies; it will be necessary to buy Bitcoins and with those the DCYs; it is done in seconds.
You can find DCY on these exchanges:
The value of the DCY is destined to increase over time in relation to the increase in volumes traded and the people involved.
If you believe in the project, you can consider depositing a quantity of DCY which will revalue over time, increasing its purchasing potential.

Where do I deposit my Dynastycoins?
Dynastycoins, like other cryptocurrencies, are deposited in accounts similar to bank ones called wallets.
There are no opening and deposit costs or any closing costs.
You do not have to provide documents or particular details and the wallet is automatically generated when you buy your first Dynastycoins on an exchange.
One of the distinguishing features of DCY is confidentiality.
All transactions are confidential and unlinkable. Unless the sender wishes otherwise, the crediting of funds is anonymous.
No one can know someone else's wealth or browse through their movements.
Your finance is only in your hands.
When you sign up for the Club you will also have a private wallet in the webapp.

How do I spend my Dynastycoins?
You can spend your Dynastycoins through the Club Web App.
You can also use Dinastycoin to send and receive money to family members or acquaintances who can then spend it or reconvert it into other cryptocurrencies and then into euros, dollars or any other FIAT currency.
Such transactions are confidential, protected and secure worldwide.
Choose to sell with Dynastycoin

Selected customers
Thanks to the e-commerce platform and the webapp, you will reach thousands of customers eager to spend DCY and give strength to the underlying project.
You will intercept a selected clientele looking for quality. More aware consumers will favor responsible producers for the benefit of the entire community.
Exchanges will truly be of value as it should be in a healthy and human-made economy.

There are no "down times": in a few seconds your wallet (account) is ready to receive DCY.
Transactions are fast and safe: you receive the cashed-in in a few seconds and you can count on its immediate availability.
The speed of the transactions allows for easy management without waiting.

No cost
You get the economy going by doing business and creating value for the community; why should you
pay all those costs that, in the current system, you are forced to bear?
With DCY you have no costs:
- No activation fees
- No fixed costs
- No extra costs
- Minimum fees on sending DCY to support the blockchain, the computer network that supports cryptocurrency.

Complete security
Thanks to the e-commerce platform and the webapp, you will reach thousands of customers eager to spend DCY and give strength to the underlying project.
You will intercept a selected clientele looking for quality. More aware consumers will favor responsible producers for the benefit of the entire community.
Exchanges will truly be of value as it should be in a healthy and human-made economy.

No obligations
There are no "down times": in a few seconds your wallet (account) is ready to receive DCY.
Transactions are fast and safe: you receive the cashed-in in a few seconds and you can count on its immediate availability.
The speed of the transactions allows for easy management without waiting.

Independence and autonomy
You get the economy going by doing business and creating value for the community; why should you
pay all those costs that, in the current system, you are forced to bear?
With DCY you have no costs:
- No activation fees
- No fixed costs
- No extra costs
- Minimum fees on sending DCY to support the blockchain, the computer network that supports cryptocurrency.
Participate by mining Dynastycoin

What does it mean to undermine
The technology on which cryptocurrencies are based is the blockchain, a vast network of computers scattered around the globe that solve the so-called "blocks" of operations.
These computers can belong to anyone and the remuneration for the work done is a quantity of new currency minted on the basis of the cryptocurrency algorithm and assigned to the best performers.
Mining means competing for these new issues.

What does it take to mine
To participate in mining, all you need is a computer, an internet connection and minimal configuration skills.
Thanks to the video tutorials, anyone can install the program necessary for the calculation process and start extracting the first DCYs.
In the Support section you will find all the necessary technical specifications and downloads.

Who can undermine
Mining is open to all.
You can opt for solitary mining or by joining a group of miners called poolmining, offering a part of your computer's computing power and proportionally sharing the fruit of the calculation work.