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A revolutionary way to enhance Dinastycoin

The idea is to create an independent circular and deflationary economic system using a newly created voucher code-named ETHIC VOUCHER (ETHV), based on an underlying 1-to-1 guarantee of a cryptocurrency listed on the market called DINASTYCOIN (DCY). In essence, Ethic Voucher becomes a complementary currency to DInastycoin. The Voucher will be used on an already existing proprietary responsive platform called to manage purchases, sales and wallets both online through a shopping center and used market and directly in the store by paying using either the telephone or a rechargeable card that can be managed independently by each individual. user.

The reasons that led us to think about designing and developing this autonomous system independent of fiat currencies are the following:

  1. The euro, the dollar, the pound and the entire fiat world has become a system managed by a select few in the world who create inflationary money without rules, ad infinitum, and instead of distributing it equally they concentrate it on a few thus creating a system corrupt pyramid in which little by little they bought all levels of power: political, media, legal, cultural, scholastic, healthcare, fiscal, sporting, financial. By placing men at the top under their direct or indirect control.
  2. There is concern on the part of users generated by an incessantly growing inflation, not adequate to the increases in salaries, as a result of which purchasing power is continuously lost and we slide further and further towards the bottom of the pyramid, increasingly poor and subject to blackmail, powerless to any harassment imposed by the political fiscal system.
  3. There is ongoing unease on the part of shopkeepers regarding the continuous increases in taxation and bureaucracy which, at least in Italy, for small businesses does not take into account the real turnover but is based on presumptions, empirical and unreal calculations made by their experts, assigning each activity a category that arbitrarily defines when the entrepreneur must invoice and earn. The solution we propose, while remaining absolutely in compliance with all the regulations of each country, allows merchants to cash in a currency other than the euro, which due to its deflationary nature increases in value over time compared to the euro, and therefore allow further profits to the entrepreneur once the sales invoice in euros has been issued, the relevant taxes and VAT have been paid and the cryptocurrency has been set aside for personal use
  4. Shopkeepers also complain about the high costs charged by banks via POS for transactions made with credit/debit cards, in addition to the related delays in bank credits which occur even after several days.

Create an economic system that does not use the euro, but a voucher called ETHIC VOUCHER with an underlying guarantee of an equal quantity of Dinastycoin cryptocurrency already listed on multiple exchanges and exchangeable with BTC and USDT.

The value of the Ethics Voucher therefore becomes Complementary to Dynastycoins. Unlike the other Complementary Coins to the euro, the 1 to 1 ratio is based on quantity and not on value.

The value of the Ethics voucher can therefore increase but, as we will explain later, it can never decrease within the CLUB environment.

The entire system is managed for customers and shops with a mobile app which we now generically call CLUB.

The idea is very simple, 2 changes are managed:

  1. the first we call market exchange rate based on the average value of the last quantity sold in all exchanges with respect to USDT and BTC and the value is always determined by the purchase and sale orders that are executed on the market and therefore without any control they can rise and go down like any other crypto. The more purchases of sales the value goes up the less purchases of sales the value goes down.
  2. We call the second Cambio Club. This gearbox, however, behaves differently. It always depends on the market but only when the market goes up. If the market falls, the value of the last highest exchange rate recorded on the market is kept. If the market rises when it exceeds the CLUB exchange rate, the CLUB exchange rate automatically adjusts and takes that value without ever falling again, regardless of the market

Advantages of the CLUB Exchange

The advantage of being able to purchase products and services within the CLUB becomes evident, as the deflationary platform allows customers to increase their purchasing power and stores not to lose when the Dinastycoin falls on the market, and to earn when it rises. Customers increase their purchasing power by purchasing ETHIC VOUCHER at an AVERAGE price which will always be lower than the value they will find once the Dinastycoins are moved to the CLUB

Crypto Ethical Fund – Partnership for the promotion of fundraising

We have signed an important agreement with Crypto Ethical Fund, a voluntary organisation, which has the mission of setting up a cryptocurrency fund to be used to finance non-refundable ethical activities and projects, parental schools, associations of social utility, voluntary work, the disabled and people in difficulty, and all the initiatives that will be deemed worthy of help.

Inspired by the experience of the past decade with Bitcoin, and thanks to the technical skills of the team of volunteer computer scientists, Crypto Ethical Fund chooses Dinastycoin (DCY) for its operation, a young cryptocurrency, with a very low market price, and few trading volumes, ideal conditions to relive the Bitcoin experience, i.e. the possibility for everyone to purchase large quantities of it with little change, at a very low price, and at the same time develop activities to spread knowledge and use of it, increase its value over time, and consequently enhance the association's assets, which will be used for charitable purposes as described above.

Their activity is also very important for all Dinastycoin holders, who will see their wallets enhanced thanks to the commitment and action of the Crypto Ethical Fund.

We help Crypto Ethical Fund to promote fundraising, important rewards are foreseen for anyone who brings new donors to the association, both private individuals and companies.

Companies have important tax benefits on donations to non-profit organizations.

The business procurement contract will be available soon, and we will implement in the application the possibility of reporting procured donors for the calculation of commissions.

In the meantime, you can already promote the fundraising by writing down the data of your donors (Date of donation, Name, Surname, Company name and amount donated), and inform them of the following platforms to make the donation:

Bonuses and incentives until 30 September 2023
We involve companies to develop an independent economy!

Show your entrepreneur friends the advantages of using cryptocurrency, and sign them up at Dynastycoin Club, the new application for payments and collections.

Shops, businesses, professionals, artisans, or any other business, anyone can accept cryptocurrency payments for the sale of their goods or services.

The following prizes and incentives are foreseen until the end of September

  • Good purchase worth €50, to the new company active and visible in the application, which can be spent without time limits in any activity of the Dinastycoin Club ecosystem.
  • 6% to the sponsor on the collection in Dinastycoin of the registered company.
  • Good Purchase worth €150, when the company develops a volume of collections in Dinastycoin of at least €500, assigned to the sponsor. If the commercial consultant is present, €50 will go to the sponsor and €100 to the commercial consultant.
  • Good purchase worth €50 to the company, if at least 10 users register.

If the sponsor, in addition to the company that develops at least €500 of proceeds in Dinastycoin, also registers 5 users, he will have:

  • Credits for a value of €100 to spend without time limits at the company itself, which becomes €200 if the company works online.

There is no limit to the activities that can be registered.

All prizes will be offered by FACTABIT LTD and paid to companies in Dynastycoin (DCY) 

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