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Clash Royale Clan Synapse Gaming meets DCY

On May 7, 2018, the season ended Clan Synapse Gaming, one of the main Italian clans of CLASH ROYALE, a very special season in this case because the most deserving gamers were donated DCY wallets.


Clash Royale he's a frantic multiplayer card game developed on Android and IOS platform , in which players compete in 1 vs 1 battles with the aim of knocking down enemy towers.

With his 100 million users per month, has brought into the pockets of the Finnish Supercell, more than a billion dollars according to estimates. And it still leads the ranking of the most profitable apps today. He was among the first to combine e-sports, competitions made through online video games at the League of Legends which has 27 million players a day, with digital card games at the Hearthstone which has 50 million fans. The result is mesmerizing.(source L'Espresso)

Clash Royale it is impeccable in dynamics. You face another person connected via the web in games of up to three and a half minutes. The field is divided in two: your own three towers must be defended, while those of your opponent are attacked. The troops available are in the form of cards, each one has abilities and weak points, land or air attacks and can be increased in level and power thanks to the gold coins that are obtained by winning or buying them.

In the next episodes we will have the opportunity to meet the members of the Clan Synapse Gaming and to let us tell them what their favorite cards are and their winning strategies. And also to meet one of the Clash Royale gamers present in the Italian Top Ten.

And the DCY/Clash Royale adventure continues…..

We are waiting for you all at the ABANO TERME Tournament!!!!

New Dynastycoin 2.1.3 version in beta testnet

Following the problems encountered since the new ones ASIC cryptonight entered circulation and connected to our blockchain we proceeded to create a New Dynastycoin Version 2.1.3 which mainly includes the new algorithm LWMA extension which is able to thwart all hash attacks on the blockchain.

In the current version 2.1.2 we use the algorithm Zawy v.1 which proved to be useful having solved the previous problems of bigminers that blocked the production of blocks, sometimes even for a few days. About this new algorithm LWMA extension latest version by Scott Robert you can find information and code on github by clicking here.

The algorithm allows us to keep the cryptonight mining algorithm version without switching to the cryptonight v.7 version as Monero recently did, at least for now. 

The problem that is arising now after the introduction of the New Asic for cryptonight is that the too much power produced by some Miners has created alternative chains, which have been canceled and restored, creating problems for all pools.

We are now running the new 2.1.3 version in testnet mode to prove that the updates are effective and do not create any problems for the current blockchain.

In addition to the application of the LWMA algorithm, some bugs have been fixed, making the blockchain and wallets more stable, with less risk of crashes.

  • Added Enable_blockchain_explorer support which will allow Pools to directly and more easily implement the Dinastycoin blockchain explorer
  • For the Linux versions the daemon also supports the block Falling Host which automatically blocks the IPs that create problems for the blockchain
  • Added Fee Address option to daemons
  • Added the mnemonic seed Import and export for the simplewallet which allows you to recover a wallet by remembering a sequence of keywords
    Added New RPC Commands to the wallet

The version will also be released with the Updated Wallet GUI

A fork is required to switch to the new LWMA algorithm. When the version is made available we will communicate the exact block number in which the new fork will take place

Dynastycoin 2.1.3 Beta published

Dynasty of Freedom is pleased to inform you that it has been published on github the beta version of Dynastycoins 2.1.3 which includes a fork from block 480000.

The main novelty is the implementation of the algorithm LWMA V.2 which should get the anti ASIC effects of the Cryptonight V7 created by Monero

You can download and compile the new version directly at github  

This version is a beta so it has been listed as a new repository on Github. As soon as the release of the final version is confirmed, the previous version 2.1.2 repository will be updated on github and this new one will be deleted.

Cryptocurrencies and indirect taxes

With resolution n.72/e 2016, the Revenue Agency expressed its official and binding position, at least for the company that proposed the ruling, on the issue of direct taxes as regards the world of cryptocurrencies; however, in the context of indirect taxes and in particular as regards the application of value added tax and related obligations, everything is silent.

Rebus sic stantibus is necessary to refer to the current regulatory system (Presidential Decree 633/1972), and to the definition given by the Revenue Agency of cryptocurrency on the occasion of the aforementioned resolution, or of payment method. Let us therefore analyze the various cases taking the Dinastycoin (DCY) as the reference currency.

  • Private subject A sells goods and services to private subject B. Subject A is paid in DCY. The operation carried out by subject A, provided that it is not carried out habitually and professionally and mainly, It is NOT subject to value added tax.
  • Private subject A sells goods and services to Company/professional C. Subject A is paid in DCY. The operation carried out by subject A, provided that it is not carried out habitually and professionally and mainly, It is NOT subject to value added tax. Subject A will be required to issue a document showing his personal data and his tax code so that subject C can report the cost in the accounts.
  • Company/professional C sells goods and services to Company/professional D. Person C is paid in DCY. The operation carried out by subject C, since it concerns the sale of goods or the provision of services in the entrepreneurial/professional field. is subject to value added tax at the rate applicable to the good or service (e.g. catering VAT 10%).

Furthermore, subject C is required to fulfill all connected obligations and therefore the issuance of the invoice and, when permitted, of the receipt or tax receipt.

What do I put on the invoice?

In addition to the usual data provided, as regards the numerical data to be reported on the invoice, the value in DCY may also be reported. In any case, the provisions of article 230 of directive 2006/112/EC, as amended by directive 2010/45/EU, must be respected. This provision states that «the amounts appearing on the invoice may be expressed in any currency, provided that the amount of VAT to be paid or to be regularized is expressed in the national currency of the Member State» and therefore in Euros.

Accountant Nicola Mazzoni

Dynastycoin on Blockfolio

Bitcoin and Altcoin Portfolio

Blockfolio offers complete cryptocurrency management, with easy to use tools to keep track of all your cryptocurrency investments. Get detailed price and market information for individual currencies and your entire portfolio all in one place.

blockfolio also supports Dynastycoin, go to the site install this app on Android or Apple IOS on your mobile and add Dinastycoin/BTC and DinastyCoin/LTC to have dynastycoin exchange and transactions on the go…. the spread continues

Dynastycoin on Cryptocompare

Dynastycoins it has been listed on for a few days Cryptocompare, a very widespread web platform where all the main cryptocurrencies are present and through which all the trends of each cryptocurrency can be kept under control in all the markets where it is present with a single platform.

CryptoCompare is an interactive platform where you can discuss the latest Crypto trends and monitor all markets streaming in real time

You can see all the statistics and keep under control a portfolio of all your purchases and sales made with Dinastycoin

and also check the progress of the official pool mining managed by the community Dynasty of freedom
Dynastycoin emerging cryptocurrency

Dynastycoins in the last 4 days it has been the global cryptocurrency among the 787 official cryptocurrencies that has had the greatest growth, source : where it is now ranked 269th out of 787 Cryptocurrencies listed worldwide.

Well! let me Write it after all the sacrifices made in these 2 years…. to set up the infrastructure of a new echo system:

< >

We are just at the beginning and there is still a lot of work to do but now we are sure that we can do it!

We will help Italy rise from the ashes of the euro! and we will help make the made in italy in the world!

Italian traders and entrepreneurs just need to WAKE UP now they have a tool to free themselves from the grip of Taxes and return to being Competitive…. and help bring down this government of traitors! because if we no longer feed it by paying taxes… it will die without a fight!… freeing all Italians from this terrible deception and betrayal!

I understand that entrepreneurs are afraid of not paying taxes... but they finally have a tool to do it without running any risk.

Receive a payment in cryptocurrency it is not taxable being considered on a par with a barter between private individuals.

The details of how to do this within a commercial establishment are being discussed in the community. Issuance of a non-fiscal receipt, for example VAT free!

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