Inclusion of a network marketing program within the dynastycoin club to increase the diffusion of the project and reward all those who bring new customers and shops to join the dynastycoin.club.
The program will be paid for by participating shopkeepers who will give a small percentage of the turnover which will reward in ethics all those who contribute to the diffusion of the program and the growth of the dynastycoin.
Shopkeepers in the dynastycoin club have no cost to join or sell their items and receive direct and indirect advertising for free both in the dynastycoin community and on social media.
Participation in the network marketing program will give an important benefit to shopkeepers as the greater diffusion and increase in sales turnover among all shops (the more shops, the more turnover and the more the value of the dynastycoin will increase and consequently of the ethics and Consequently, the possibility of selling or spending ethics/dynastycoins at increasingly higher values than when they were cashed out will increase
The guarantee always remains for both ethics and dynastycoin within the app that the value can grow (deflation) or remain stable in certain periods but never fall from the highs reached previously

Inclusion in Dinastycoin club of a revolutionary coin complementary to Dinastycoin which can be used as an alternative to Dinatycoin to purchase in all affiliated stores
1 ethics which will have a fixed value of 1 Dinastycoin
It will be purchasable through the non-profit association Crypto ethical funds and welcom change partners with Dinastycoin Club
Ethics will have a guaranteed equivalent value in Dinastycoin. For every circulating ethics there will be 1 dynastycoin as collateral in the fund managed by the non-profit association Cryto Ethical Funds.
At any time it will therefore be possible to change the ethics in Dinastycoin without costs and then convert them into another crypto of your choice or even into euros via Welcome Change

Goal to be achieved by the end of 2023 for Dinastycoin Club: the first 40 affiliated stores and 150 items that can be purchased in the shopping center and continuous development to make the app increasingly reliable and simple to use

First Stores affiliated via Dinastycoin club app that accept payments in Dinastycoin for all their products

Development of a new mobile webApp for Dinastycoin that will revolutionize the way we see cryptocurrencies.
With the Dinastycoin club, Dinastycoin is preparing to become one of the most spendable cryptocurrencies on the market. We start with Italy
The objective is to combat and reduce the use of the euro and to increase everyone's purchasing power when doing their daily shopping.
It will allow anyone to exchange Dinastycoin (DCY) in a simple way, it can be used to send and receive Dinastycoin from individuals, shopkeepers, professionals and anyone who decides to adopt Dinastycoin (DCY) as a trading currency.
Shopkeepers, professionals and companies can geolocate their business and have visibility in the community.
They will also be able to activate functions such as Cashback and Gift Cards in the form of prepaid credits, and in the launch phase they will benefit from a marketing campaign financed by the company.
there will also be a shopping center where all shopkeepers will be able to place new and used products and services for sale (market)
There will be a single cart in the shopping center where users will be able to add products from any store to their cart and have a single payment.
We will also add shopping vouchers convertible into Dinastycoin, credits and cashback

New hardfork in preparation for Dinastycoin expected in May at block 515000 (subject to changes before release which will be communicated)
Both the Daemon with the wallet-rpc wallet-client for Dos, Linux and Macintosh and the wallet gui for Windows 64bit, Linux and Max will be available
These are some of the new features of the Daemon:
Daemon: Added support for the P2Pool
Daemon: support socks5 proxy configuration with the –proxy flag
Daemon: Fixed various bugs and general improvements
Wallet: Fixed various bugs
Wallet: Added more easily understandable messages in the Ledger
RPC: Fixed get transactions failing when not finding the transaction
RPC: Added calcpow method
CORS wildcard support
fixed some missing logs
Mac: Fixed compiling on ARM
LMDB: fixed deadlock during resize
automatic support for ARMv8 binaries on the Raspberry Pi
Updated dependencies: OpenSSL, RandomX, unwind, hidapi, zeromq
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
for the Gui wallet
fixed bug that crashed with Apple Silicon
Fixed password wizard not resetting after wallet creation
Updated translations
Added import/export functions
Export all image keys as default
Added descriptions in CSV file export
Added colors to the bar that measures password strength
Added cut, copy, delete and select all options in the context menu
various GUI fixes and improvements

We are developing a staking function for Dynastycoin which will be enabled in the back office available to all Dynasty of Freedom associates starting from the end of March 2021

The graphics and marketing team will prepare all the information and graphics necessary to start constantly spreading the news of Dinastycoin and the Dynasty of Freedom project on all social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Bitcointalk, Instagram, official blogs on Dinastycoin .com and dynastyoffredom.com
The preparation works start in February 2021 and will begin to see implementations from March 2021, and will continue uninterruptedly throughout 2021 with the production also of teasers and graphics to be disseminated

Beginning in late February 2021, a monthly Income In Life (REINV) of 1500DCY will be paid to all Dynasty of Freedom associates.
The 1500 DCY will be changed to the current value of the DCY in Euros and transferred to the DinastyPay Card to be immediately spent in the shops of the Market Place Dinasty of Freedom. The disbursement of 1500DCY per month will continue until the end of 2021.
In 2022 the value will be re-evaluated based on the progress of the project in extra-territorial areas and the value of the Dinastycoin on the markets

New exchanges where to exchange Dinastycoin are expected as early as the beginning of 2021 and then towards the end when trading volumes will further grow.
Among these that we will have new at the beginning of 2021 are Dex-Trade and Coinsbit