Dinastycoin finances self-determined projects
Dinastycoin becomes a Self-determined cryptocurrency.

With human rights observatoryi.e Italian network a communion of intents and objectives was agreed converging towards the creation on the one hand of a confederation between self-determined and on the other hand the creation of areas extraterritorial in trust in Italy where to create a new economy outside the Italy spa system.
Free from taxes and European constraints.
In all of this the Dynastycoins it will be the single currency used among all the areas that will be created in Italy.
Products and services will be sold tax-free and can be paid for in Dinastycoin.
So not only online but also directly on the territory.

The first area has already been purchased on Bomarzo oil mill it is the renovation of an old oil mill, which therefore has the objective of producing pure Italian olive oil and creating an agritourism around it.

The Bomarzo mill is the model from which to start for all future projects. A further adjacent wooded area of a few thousand square meters has also recently been purchased in which to plant trees and produce timber.
It will come with the New dynastycoin both an APP/POS for merchants and customers and disposable paper banknotes with qrcodes that can be used and exchanged for purchases.
They are robbing our nation by selling it off and handing over sovereignty to European banks/multinationals.
We at DOF with Human rights observatory and the Italian network we will go to buy back pieces of Italy protecting them in trust and inviting all Italians to join us, given that in those areas there will also be houses made with organic materials such as hemp, straw, wood and similar.
work, leisure, freedom, independence, ethics and honor and well-being are the foundations of the society we want to build with self-determined and non-self-determined Italians
Honor and sharing among people for the common welfare without bureaucracy and state to control our lives.
Freedom, honor. respect for the environment and love! This in summary!
The Dynastycoin will also be useful and important for this, as a fund will be created with several hundred million DCY totally available for all self-determined who will create projects in the area for the creation and development of new ones.
This fund will be opened as soon as the Dynastycoins will have reached values over 50 cents
To stimulate the growth of dynastycoins, immediately after the swap we will list it in several new exchanges, of which at least a couple in the top 10 or 20.
It is a costly operation because the insertion is not free, for this reason we are trying to involve visionary investors and Italian patriots who understand the epochal importance of our project.
The DOF developers are already working to completely redo the new website Human rights observatory internally creating all the synergies with the platforms of dynastyoffredom.
From shopping dynastyoffredom.shop to the app dynastyofreedom.media and to the new app